Cookbook Review: The Heart of The Matter

Cookbook Review: The Heart of The Matter

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Cookbook Review: The Heart of The Matter

The Heart of the Mater Eating Hearth masa VeOetenan Foal By Gearuart Gurbaxam Times Grotto Books 120
I am always a lime s keptcal *nen someone points me in The direction of hearth, eating Generalli that means bland tasteless food that has no body and no soul But al the same time it scares me to thmkthal in India 25 per cent of deaths in the age group of 25- 69 years occur because of heart diseases. ills a statistic I would much rather not be part of flow. if only low-fal low-calone1000 could be a little more tibliatmg Impossible, Gitangli Guitaram dOesnl seem to Dunk so That ladies and gendemen. is The Heart of the Matter Gitarnali is certainly no stranger to am of the Three things that she prescnbes in her Dedir he attn. taste and vegetarianism A well-known food consultant and shlist she is also a Rein grandmaster and has a passion for eating good Inman segetanan food
One of my IThounte oarts of The took is Gilanialts preface where she sets the mood tea.1 diseases cancer. diabetes and stroke %In a fork.’ Having shied food for numerous pent and teleaslon shoots. she admits her culpability In lading up dishes to look better Than they adually are. but promises a very different eThenence in The Heart of The Mader The result recipes That are meant to be cooked and eaten in a regular Indian ‘diction. and not rust admired on the Moss, pages of a cookbook

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